It's the 2nd Friendship Day in Nanyang! And of course, It's another wonderful and awesome one!
This Friendship day'19 would never be another unforgettable memory of mine without all of them.
What's different from Friendship Day'18 was that this time, there has been an added bunch! First... introducing Chemical Disposal Site! (( That's what we name ourselves! HAHA )) This bunch consist of Penny, Annabel, Wan Xin, Jing Xuan, Kevin & Albert! They helped me a lot in class and in my studies although I am still shit. They stuck by my side throughout my Nanyang journey and this is my another #WHYNY. Thanks y'all!
Some photos we took at the Nanyang iconic seashell wall again! So typical yet we still do it anyway LMAO!
The girls! 👩
Chemical Disposable Site!
Another bunch would definitely be Sarah and Valene!
It's the 2nd year we are spending Friendship Day together!
We remake and took with the exact same pose from the 2018 version! 👇🏻
And of course, not forgetting the best of all...
And since Cheryl is in NJ and it's impossible for her to join us... We came up with a brilliant idea again! Cropping her in our photos!
6 years and still counting! Looking forward to more wonderful memories spent with all of you! That's all for Friendship Day'19!
Thanks y'all for reading!